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Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Hazel Grace has lung cancer.  She knows what it is like to haul around an oxygen tank, what it feels like to be drowning, and how the world treats kids with cancer.  Being somewhat depressed and secluded from her former social life, her mother suggests she attend a cancer support group.  This proves to be a much too inspirational, boring, ‘how does this make you feel?’ group complete with praying in the heart of Jesus.  Hazel and Isaac, a boy that is going blind, exchange looks and exasperated sighs.  But then things look a little brighter when Augustus, a boy in remission from osteosarcoma, shows up.  Highly attractive and intelligent with a mind like Hazel, he catches Hazel Grace’s attention.  Soon they go on an adventure to Amsterdam because of their love for the book “An Imperial Affliction” and have the time of their lives.  Yet they both know that time might not be on their side as they fall in love.

I picked up this book because friends recommended it to me. 

I finished it because I loved it- it was an easy read but was not always easy to read.  It had me laughing and crying and was inspirational. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who knows someone with cancer, enjoys love stories or sarcasm, or needs a little inspiration.  

I give it a 5***** rating. (It was AMAZING!)

Want to read it? Click here to place the book on hold!

Review by Leslee, 12th grade

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