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No more calls, sign up for text alerts

We all know the saying — “patience is a virtue.” And we all know it’s a lot easier to say than to live by. Whether it’s a new release or a New York Times Best Seller, we want it now. Unfortunately, it’s often already checked out. The good news is you can place a “hold” on the item so that you get it immediately once it becomes available.

To place a hold, simply look up the item in the online catalog, click on the magenta “PLACE HOLD” icon in the top right corner, and follow the instructions on the screen (you’ll need your library card and pin number).

When the happy day comes and your item is available, we’ll let you know; but, there’s even more good news. You can now opt out of a phone call from library staff in favor of a notifications method more convenient for you.

You now have several choices: an automatic text notice sent to your phone, an e-mail notification (which also includes the title of your hold item)—or, use both as many patrons do! You have three days to pick up your item once we notify you.

If you use e-mail and/or text, you’ll receive a hold message at about 8:15 a.m., before the library opens. This is an hour earlier than people getting notification phone calls, which makes planning your errands easier. Another advantage: the automatic system also notifies you when checked-out items are about to become overdue, so you can renew or return items to avoid fines.

To sign up for one of these options, log into your account on our web page, click on the “My account” tab, then click “edit” to add an e-mail address or “Text/SMS notifications” (at the very bottom of the screen) to add a phone number for texting.

For people who don’t use electronic devices, we still have the old-school options of phone calls or mailed notices for holds, but it’s great that you have other options.

Susan Stanton is the Technical Services Manager at the Natrona County Library.

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