Gerald is a teenage boy who is scarred by his childhood experience of his family being on a nanny-type reality show. He was portrayed as the bad kid but the abuse his family suffers has nothing to do with him. He is discovering how to take control of his life.
Why I picked up the book: I have two other A.S. King’s to-read for book club but since this is the new one that has received lots of buzz, I picked it up.
Why I finished it: I love reality shows, so this is a cool concept. Beyond that, my heart was breaking for Gerald. I wanted to be the hockey hug lady. I’ll definitely have to grab Ask the Passengers and Everybody Sees the Ants off the pile soon.
I’d give the book to: Fans of Chris Crutcher or even The Hate List by Jennifer Brown or Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
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Review by Jenn, YA librarian (View all my Goodreads reviews)