Natrona County Library’s 2017 Summer Reading program officially ended August 31. The last prizes were picked up September 9 and we are ready to announce the Teen grand prize winners of the $50 VISA gift cards:
- Sinahi O, 7th grade
- Faith S, 7th grade
- Ethan B, 10th grade
- Jakob D, 10th grade
The goal of summer reading: read WHATEVER YOU WANT, for at least 20 minutes per day.
- 547 teens (entering 7th – graduating 12th grade) signed up for the program.
- 274 teens returned to the Library for prizes.
- 121 teens completed all three months of their reading.
All teens who returned their reading log to the Library at the end of each month received the following prizes:
June: Look Up t-shirt
July: Look Up water bottle and eclipse glasses
August: book

The Teen Zone hosted 13 different events at the Library, one at Pottery By You, as well as our monthly Afternoon Book Club (7th-8th grade) and Teen Book Club (9th-12th grade) which meet at Metro Coffee Co. We also took two of our summer activities to the teens at the Youth Empowerment Council.
Thanks to our Summer Reading sponsors: McDonalds and the Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board.