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Thank you to our Friends

As the song goes, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me,” and this is especially true for the Friends of the Natrona County Library. While we are extremely grateful for our Friends every day, we pay special homage to them the week of October 21 to 27 because it is the American Library Association’s National Friends of the Library Week!

The Friends continue to amaze with their book sales. Everyone who benefits from library services owes a big thank you to the Friends. They work tirelessly almost every day picking up, cleaning, sorting, pricing and displaying donated books, CDs, DVDs, and more. They carry boxes of books out of trunks of cars and downstairs, so that they can resell them and raise money for the Library. To be quite honest it is hard work, but our Friends do it with great gusto and cheer.

We also would like to thank everyone who donates materials for sale, in-kind services, and to the patrons who shop. Without all of these folks working together, we could not accomplish such successful sales.

We live in a wonderful community that is enhanced by the Friends of the Natrona County Library. They provide needed funding to enrich our services. The Summer Reading Program and other library special events benefit from the fruits of their labors.

I don’t know what the Library would do without the best Friends group in the country. Thank you Friends!

If you would like to join the Friends in supporting the Natrona County Library and its work to advocate for literacy, education, and a thriving community, please contact Sherry Good at folncpl307@gmail.com. You can also follow the Friends on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NatronaLibraryFriends.

To donate items for the Friends’ auctions and book sales, you can bring items to the main library during normal hours. Please do not donate the following items; these items are recycled immediately: Reader’s Digest Condensed Books older than two years, all encyclopedia sets, National Geographic magazines more than two years old, textbooks more than five years old, cassette tapes, or damaged, dirty, or moldy books.

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