Teenage Rudy has been forced to leave his school, his town, and his friends behind for the sake of his sick younger brother. His family moves to an eerie island whose special type of fish that can only be caught there are supposed to be able to cure anything. Rudy doesn’t believe it at first, but after some time of eating the fish, his brother’s health is improving. However, Rudy feels himself spiraling further and further down into depression. Their house is old, the weather is always dismal and cloudy, there seem to be no other teens on the island, and Rudy can’t sleep at night because of the constant horrible screams he hears that his family swears is just the ocean wind. Things start to look up when Rudy discovers there is one other teen on the island, Diana, and she happens to be an attractive girl whose mother won’t let her leave the house. Diana is intelligent, likes to read, and also seems to have an interest in Rudy. Diana soon fills Rudy’s mind since he wants to take it off of other things, but this changes when he meets something out by the docks that will test his sanity; it is a boy with the tail of a fish. Rudy isn’t sure if he is losing his mind or not, but when the fish-boy speaks to him, the voice reminds him of the screams he hears every night. After getting to know the strange, obstinate boy who considers fish his family, Rudy learns the merboy has named himself Teeth and that he has something to do with the dark secrets Diana’s mother is keeping.
I picked this book up because it sounded interesting and had a cool cover.
I finished this book because it wasn’t what I expected at all.
I’d give this book to anyone sick of the ordinary and with a taste for the bizarre.
Rating: **** Really liked it.
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Review by Serina, college student