Have you noticed anything different about the Library? At first glance, it contains all the familiar components. Upon further inspection, you may notice some changes to what we call the “branding.” A brand is an identifying look and feel that an organization uses to distinguish itself from others. Some think of a brand as a logo, which is true, but it’s also defined colors, fonts, phrases, and more. Our brand is a way to describe and portray the Library in an easily recognizable way.
We introduced our maroon “Into It” logo in 2015 as a way to say “Hey Natrona County, whatever you’re in to, we’re in to it, too.” Since then, our community has come to associate everything the Library does with that identifiable logo.
But a lot has changed in those 6 years, as is the nature of public libraries. We are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our community, and that includes more than just programs, collection items, and services. As we kicked off 2021 with hope and a fresh perspective, we also kicked off a project to refresh our brand. We wanted a look that felt approachable, bright, and cheery (just like our staff and collection), but was also reminiscent of the logo that has become synonymous with the Natrona County Library. The new logo has started popping up in our online and print presence, but will continue to make its way to our physical space and beyond, so keep a lookout.
Along with a new logo and new colors, we’ve also completely rebuilt and reorganized our website, natronacountylibrary.org. This exciting new digital experience that incorporates our refreshed look AND all the ways our patrons love to use our Library. We’d love to hear what you think of the new look!