Imagine having it all: the best grades in school, the most popular boyfriend, the beauty. Now imagine going from being all-that, to almost losing it all. That is what happened to Ellie Summerfield in one single night. Her and a friend were driving home from a party when before Ellie knows what is going on, she is in the hospital for three months recovering from an accident that should have killed her. Her friend, Stacia, wasn’t so lucky. Why did Ellie live while Stacia had to be taken from her? The accident suddenly makes Ellie realize and think about things in a different light. How would it change you?
I chose to read this book because I loved the title of the book.
I chose to continue reading it because I wanted to know what Ellie finally decided to do with her life.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that will make them think twice about how fragile life is.
I give this book three stars! ***. (Liked it!)
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Review by Kaitlin, 12th grade