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A Video Production Studio at the Push of a Button

Quality video production can be a complex and costly endeavor to attempt on your own because of the high-end equipment and setup that’s needed. Your library is partnering with the Laramie County Library System and the University of Wyoming Libraries to create an easy-to-use video production studio for our community. Our studio is one of three being installed in libraries across Wyoming, thanks to a Libraries Build Business grant that Laramie County Library received in 2020.

The Studio, located on the 2nd floor of the Library, is being built using the One Button Studio technology created by Penn State University. A One Button Studio is a simplified video recording setup that can be used without any previous video production experience. The design of the studio allows you to create high-quality and polished video projects without having to know anything about lights, microphones, or cameras. You just need to bring your flash drive with you and push a single button.

We imagine the Studio will be used for a variety of purposes including: publishing content for a personal or business website; pitching business cases or marketing campaign ideas; mock interviews; recording podcasts; demonstrating a tool, technique, or process; producing an audition for a job or music group; practicing for a public speaking engagement; or even making your own TV commercial.

The Studio will be completely free to use and available by appointment. We anticipate it will be finished sometime in May 2021. Please call the Adult Services Department at 307-577-7323 to find out more.

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