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We’ve added staff to prepare for Sundays in the new year

You may have noticed some new faces in new places at the Library this fall. Along with replacing outgoing employees, we have also added 4 new personnel in preparation for returning to Sunday operating hours in 2020. Starting January 5, we will be open 7 days a week, including 1 pm to 5 pm on Sundays! As in the past, we will continue to be closed on Sundays during the summer.

With this extra day, you will have more opportunities to stop by the Library and meet all our new staff. New additions since September include Coralie (Lee) Crumrine and Linann McDonald, who both joined the Circulation team, Kaylee Bloom in the Reference department, Sheri Salazar on the Maintenance team, and Lisa Arthursen and Jana Adams, who both joined the Children’s department.

“This summer, the Natrona County Board of County Commissioners increased our funding in an amount equal to 2.5 staff positions so we could resume our Sunday services which had been eliminated in 2017. I am thrilled with our new staff members and look forward to bringing daily services back to our community.”

Lisa Scroggins, Executive Director

Moving and grooving

Along with the additions, a few current Library employees have taken on new challenges by moving into different positions. At the end of September, Kathy Smith jumped into her new role as a Circulation Specialist, which means you can find her smiling face at the front desk. Smith, a former social worker, started working at the Library in May of this year as a Shelver.

Filling the Marketing and Public Relations Manager position that was vacated at the end of July, Megan Bratton moved into the role on October 1. Bratton, a recent transplant to Casper, has worked here since March of this year, first as a Children’s Librarian in the Children’s department. Bratton has her Master of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Denver, and has a professional background in marketing, branding, communications, and website production.

“This is such a unique opportunity to combine my passion for public libraries with my background in marketing,” said Bratton, “and I look forward to working with our patrons and community members to make sure the Library is offering more of what you want and need.”

“I feel extremely fortunate to have someone with Megan’s background and education in charge of the Library’s marketing and outreach,” said Scroggins. “We are excited to have someone with a formal education in both marketing and library sciences. It has been amazing to see everything she has already accomplished in her new role.”

Get to know the newbies

As for all of our new faces, their backgrounds are as diverse as our collection. When Linann McDonald is not at the library, she works at the TSA. McDonald previously volunteered with us pulling holds, so her transition to Shelver was a seamless one. Coralie (Lee) Crumrine, another new Shelver, is a former freelance writer and transcriber with a background in computer programming. When she isn’t shelving books, you might be able to sweet talk her into helping you with a troublesome computer or digital device.

Lisa Arthursen had just completed her Master of English (Medieval & Renaissance Literature) degree at the University College Cork in Ireland prior to starting downstairs in the Children’s department. Before that, Arthursen worked for the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. Jana Adams, another new face in the Children’s library, is a former Special Education teacher for the Natrona County School District. Kaylee Bloom is a student at Casper College by day, and our newest addition to Adult Services by evening and weekend. Bloom has previous library experience from her time working at the Platte County Public Library in Wheatland, WY. Sheri Salazar—the Library’s newest Maintenance team member—isn’t actually a new face at the Library, because she and her family have been active patrons of the library for years.

Be sure to stop by and say hello!

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